Theme Options

Classic (Default) Theme
Fixed Header, Fixed Sidebar and Fixed Footer

This layout has a vertical and fixed sidebar along with a fixed header. The sidebar will always be fixed and visible in this layout.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-classic, 
Classy Theme
Fixed Header, Fixed Sidebar and Add Fixed Footer

This layout has a vertical and fixed sidebar, fixed footer along with a fixed header. The sidebar and footer will always be fixed and visible in this layout.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-classy, 
Empty Theme
No Header, No Sidebar

This layout has a vertical and no sidebar and no header.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-empty, 
Compact Theme
Fixed Header, Minimal Sidebar and Footer

This layout has a vertical but mini sidebar and Fixed Header or Footer.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-compact, 
Dense Theme
Fixed Header, Small Sidebar and Footer

This layout has a vertical but mini sidebar and Fixed Header and Footer.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-dense, 
Futuristic Theme
Fixed Header, Fixed Sidebar and Fixed Footer

This layout has a vertical but mini sidebar and Fixed Header and Footer.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-futuristic, 
Thin Theme
Fixed Header, Small Sidebar and Footer

This layout has a vertical but mini sidebar and Fixed Header and Footer.

To enable this layout go to

src / assets / scss / themes / layouts / _pc-left-sidebar.scss 

file and update layout option value. like:

layout: layout-thin, 